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20. Silveira dos Santos J, Vitorino LC, Gonçalves RF*, Côrtes MC, Alves RSC, Ribeiro MC, Collevatti RG. (2022) Matrix dominance and landscape resistance affect genetic variability and differentiation of an Atlantic Forest pioneer tree. Landscape Ecology.
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Connectivity surfaces
19. André CL*, Côrtes MC, Heming NM, Galetti M, Alves RSC, Bovendorp RS. (2022) Bamboo shapes the fine-scale richness, abundance, and habitat use of small mammals in a forest fragment. Mammal Research.
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18. Friedemann P*, Côrtes MC, Castro ER, Galetti M, Jordano P, Guimarães Jr. PR. (2022) The individual-based network structure of palm-seed dispersers is explained by a rainforest gradient. Oikos. 2 (e08384).

Observed network modularity across all three habitats using presence-absence data.


Numbers inside the squares indicate bird species:

1: Cyanocorax caeruleus

2: Turdus rufiventris

3: Procnias nudicollis

4: Pitangus sulphuratus

5: Pyroderus scutatus

6: Turdus albicollis

7: Ramphastos vitellinus

8: Turdus flavipes

9: Trogon viridis

10: Tachyphonus coronatus

11: Selenidera maculirostris 12: Carpornis cucullata

17. Carvalho CS*, García C, Souza M*, Jordano P, Côrtes MC. (2021) Extant fruit-eating birds promote genetically diverse seed rain, but disperse to fewer sites in defaunated tropical forests. Journal of Ecology. 109:1055–1067.
16. Carvalho CS*, Souza M*, Côrtes MC. (2021) Rescuing intraspecific variation in human impacted environments. Journal of Applied Ecology. 58 (2): 350-359.
15. Azevedo-Silva M*, Mori GM, Carvalho CS*, Côrtes MC, Souza AP, Oliveira PS (2020) Breeding systems and genetic diversity in tropical carpenter ant colonies: different strategies for similar outcomes in Brazilian Cerrado savannasZoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 190 (3): 1020–1035.
14. Souza M*, Carvalho CS*, Hypolito GB*, Côrtes MC (2019) Optimized protocol to isolate high quality genomic DNA from different tissues of a palm species. Hoehnea. 46: e942018. 
13. Carvalho CS*, Valverde J, Souza M*, Ribeiro T, Nazareth S, Galetti M, Côrtes MC (2019) Seed dispersal in tropical forest remnants: the role of thrushes in maintaining the genetic diversity and structure of Euterpe edulis. Ecosistemas. 28 (1): 26-34.
12. Carvalho CS*, Ballesteros-Mejia L, Ribeiro MC, Côrtes MC, Santos AS & Collevatti RG (2017). Climatic stability and contemporary human impacts affect the genetic diversity and conservation status of a tropical palm in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Conservation Genetics. 18: 467-478.​
11. Carvalho CS*, Ribeiro MC, Côrtes MC, Galetti M, Collevatti RG (2014) Contemporary and historic factors influence differently genetic differentiation and diversity in a tropical palm. Heredity. 115 (3): 216-224. 


10. Mokross K, Ryder TB, Côrtes MC, Wolfe JD, Stouffer PC (2014) Decay of interspecific avian flock networks along a disturbance gradient in Amazonia. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 281 (1776). 


9. Canuto J., Alves-Pereira A & Côrtes MC (2014). Genética nos estudos com polinização. In: Biologia da Polinização (eds. Rech AR, Agostini K, Oliveira PE & Machado IC). Projeto Cultural Rio de Janeiro, pp. 439-460.


8. Côrtes MC, Uriarte M, Lemes MR, Gribel R, Kress WJ, Smouse PE, Bruna EM (2013) Low plant density enhances gene dispersal in the Amazonian understory herb Heliconia acuminata. Molecular Ecology. 22 (22): 5716-5729. Data archived at the Dryad repository


7. Galetti M, Guevara R, Côrtes MC, Fadini R, Von Matter S, Leite AB, Labecca F, Ribeiro T, Carvalho CS, Collevatti RG, Pires MM, Guimarães PG, Brancalion PH, Ribeiro MC, Jordano, P (2013) Functional extinction of birds drives rapid evolutionary changes in seed size. Science. 340 (6136): 1086-1090.  Data archived at the Dryad repository


6. Côrtes MC & Uriarte M (2013) Integrating frugivory and animal movement: a review of the evidence and implications for scaling seed dispersal. Biological Reviews. 88 (2): 255-272.


5. Castro ER, Côrtes MC, Navarro L, Galetti M, Morellato PC. (2012) Temporal variation in the abundance of two species of thru​​shes in relation to fruiting phenology in the Atlantic Rainforest. Emu – Austral Ornithology. 112 (2): 137-148.​​​​​​​​ 


4. Genini J, Côrtes MC, Guimarães PR, Galetti M. (2012) Mistletoes play different roles in a parasitism network. Biotropica. 44(2): 171-178.​​​​​​​​​ 


3. Côrtes MC, Gowda V, Kress J, Bruna E, Uriarte, M. (2009) Characterization of ten microsatellite markers for the understory Amazonian herb Heliconia acuminata. Molecular Ecology Resources. 9: 1261-1264. 

2. Côrtes MC, Cazetta E, Staggemeier VG, Galetti M. (2009) Linking frugivore activity to early recruitment of a bird dispersed tree, Eugenia umbelliflora (Myrtaceae). Austral Ecology. 34: 249-258. 


1. Uriarte M, Yackulic C, Cooper T, Flynn D, Côrtes MC, Crk T, Cullman G, McGinty M, Sircely J. (2009) Expansion of sugarcane production in São Paulo, Brazil: implications for fire occurrence and respiratory health. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. 132: 48-56. 

Rescuing intraspecific phenotypic variat
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