Marina Corrêa Côrtes
Professora assistente
Como ecóloga eu tenho interesse em entender os processos que moldam a distribuição espacial, diversidade e estrutura genética de plantas. Especificamente, eu pesquiso o papel que os animais desempenham na dispersão de pólen, sementes e genes em ambientes tropicais naturais e modificados pelo homem.
Tel (escritório): 19 3526 4231
Alunos de doutorado
Robert Timmers
Robert is a PhD candidate based at Utrecht University in the The Netherlands. His work is part of the animal-plant interactions project that is co-funded by FAPESP and NWO. Through a combination of focal observations and the use of wildlife cameras, we aim to quantify plant-frugivore interactions across a chronosequence of regenerating Atlantic Forest fragments. Based on our findings we aim to develop restoration guidelines to promote plant-frugivore interactions that enhance biodiversity and ecosystem restoration.
Main advisors: Prof. Merel Soons (Utrecht University), Dr. Marijke van Kuijk (Utrecht University).
Marianne Azevedo Silva
Marianne is interested in evolutionary ecology and landscape genetics of ants. Her goals are to characterize the latitudinal distribution of intraspecific genetic diversity of ants in the Cerrado and evaluate its association with environmental heterogeneity. She is a PhD student in the Ecology program at UNICAMP, Campinas. Advisor: Dr. Paulo Oliveira, co-advisor Marina Côrtes. Collaborators: Dr. Sebastian Sendoya, Dra. Anete Pereira de Souza (UNICAMP), Dr. Gustavo M. Mori (UNESP Litoral Paulista).
Alunos de mestrado
Willian é aluno de mestrado no programa de Ecologia & Biodiversidade. Ele trabalhará no projeto sobre interações frugívoros-plantas em florestas secundárias da Mata Atlântica.
Carina is a Master's student studying the role introduced plant species play in naturally regenerating secondary forest fragments. She hopes to integrate novel molecular techniques with more traditional observational methods to analyze seed dispersal from multiple perspectives.
Alunos de graduação
Giovanna Andrade Oliveira
Giovanna is an Ecology student at UNESP Rio Claro. They are currently compiling data on plant and dispersal traits of zoochoric trees and working on DNA extraction of a zoochoric tree from natural regenerating Atlantic forests. The're also doing bird DNA extraction on dispersed seeds of Euterpe edulis to understand the contribution of each disperser species to the seed rain pattern.
Vinícius Godoy
Vinicius is a Bachelor's student in Ecology by UNESP and he is working with plant DNA degradation in bird droppings. With Carina Motta, he intends to understand how molecular tools can help us to identify frugivory interactions and potential seed dispersers.
Alunos já titulados
2022 BSc Biological Sciences. Unesp - Rio Claro
Senior thesis: Centers for animal rehabilitation in the State of São Paulo and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
2021 Master in Ecology & Biodiversity, UNESP, Rio Claro
Thesis: Wing fluctuating asymmetry in frugivorous butterflies in agricultural landscapes
Mariana Giuliatti Winter
2021 Master in Ecology & Biodiversity, UNESP, Rio Claro
Thesis: Seed rain spatial pattern of a tropical palm generated by fruit-eating birds
Larissa Sakellarios Lazzari
2021 BSc In Ecology, UNESP, Rio Claro
Senior thesis: Seed dispersal attributes of trees regenerating in areas with different land use histories in the Corumbataí Basin
2020 Master in Ecology & Biodiversity, UNESP, Rio Claro.
Thesis: Limitação da dispersão de sementes e suas consequências genéticas em remanescentes da Mata Atlântica
Co-advisor: Dr. Carolina da Silva Carvalho